The 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference

28th–30th August 2019 / Galway, Ireland

We joined the University of Southern Denmark for the 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference. The conference covers all aspects of international entrepreneurship.


At the the 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, we presented our study "Should I stay or should I go? Job Satisfaction as a moderator for the relationship between Entrepreneurial Utility Expectiations and Entrepreneurial Intention".


Based on the “social cognitive career theory (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 2002), this study examines factors that determine entrepreneurial career opportunities at universities and to what extent entrepreneurial intentions among scientists are determined by work-related conditions. It particular, we presented our findings whether scientists with low job satisfaction perceive entrepreneurial activities as a career exit strategy. Moreover, we showed that the incentives for academic spin-offs and general start-up intentions differ. 


The presented study is based on a sample of n = 1,156 scientists at Swiss universities of applied science. The study will be published shortly in a journal.